14 January 202530 views0 Comments
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern

Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi enthusiasts! Today I would like to share with you a free Amigurumi Hippo pattern and construction instructions. Amigurumi has become a popular hobby in the world of craftsmanship, and in this article I will present you a great Amigurumi Hippo design. Trust your imagination while doing amigurumi. And dare to create your own unique designs. Welcome to the Amigurumi world, enjoy fun handicraft projects.

• the stuffed yarn is blue and yellow, the yellow can be replaced by any color. I also used white alize softy, but you can take white stuffed yarn. My thread is Himalayas Dolphin Baby.
• cotton thread to sew the details, I have this Vita Coco.
• for the 4.5 mm soft hook and softy, the softy must be hooked in two strands.
• marker, needle, scissors, bead and sewing eyes or buttons 1 cm in diameter.
You can make eyes on the hook from Vita Coco ( 1.rnd. 6 ms in MR; 2.rnd. 6 augm ( 12 ) leave the wire for sewing ).

( ms ) / ( sc ): greenhouse mesh
( BO ) Hazelnut point
( ml ) / ( ch ): Chainette, Air mesh
( MR ): Magic ring
( dim ) / ( dec ): decrease, decrease, decrease
( augm ) / ( inc ): increase
( M ) / ( st ): Point ( pt ) mesh
( FLO ): work only in the front loops
( BLO ): work only in rear loops
( d-br, dble.b ) / ( tr ): Double flange
( br ) / ( dc ): flange
( dB ) / ( hdc ): half flange
( mc ) / ( sl-st ): casting mesh, small mesh
( db / dbr ) ( dtr ): Double flange
( mct ) / ( tch ): chain meshes to rotate
( 3msm ) / ( sc3tog ): 3 ms in the same mesh
( F.o. ): Stop the wire.
( 3 br ens ): 3 flanges together

We start with white.
1.6 ms in MR
2.6 augm ( 12 )
3. ( ms, augm ) * 6 ( 18 )
Change the wire in blue
7. ( 4ms, dim ) * 3 ( 15 )
Change the thread into yellow or the color of your choice
11. ( 3ms, dim ) * 3 ( 12 )
13. ( 4, dim ) * 2 ( 10 )

We start with white
1.6 ms in MR
2.6 augm ( 12 )
3. ( ms, augm ) * 6 ( 18 )
Change the wire in blue
4. ( 2ms, augm ) * 6 ( 24 )
6. ( 4ms, dim ) * 4 ( 20 )
8. ( 8ms, dim ) * 2 ( 18 )
10. ( 4ms, dim ) * 3 ( 15 )
12. ( 3ms, dim ) * 3 ( 12 )

1.6 ms in MR
2.6 augm ( 12 )
3. ( ms, augm ) * 6 ( 18 )
4. ( 2ms, augm ) * 6 ( 24 )
5. ( 3ms, augm ) * 6 ( 30 )
6. ( 4ms, augm ) * 6 ( 36 )
7. ( 5ms, augm ) * 6 ( 42 )
8-11. ( 4rnds ) 42ms
12. ( 5ms, dim ) * 6 ( 36 )
13. ( 4ms, dim ) * 6 ( 30 )
14. ( 3ms, dim ) * 6 ( 24 )
15. ( 2ms, dim ) * 6 ( 18 )
16. ( ms, dim ) * 6 ( 12 )
Fill your head.

We continue to pick the head with the body, change the thread into yellow or the color of your choice.
Since the hook density and the number of hooks may differ from mine, there may not be a large displacement of the legs. If you notice that they are obtained in the wrong place where I have them, adjust them for your toy.

17. ( ms, augm ) * 6 ( 18 )
We hook our arms.
We put our hands on the hook and the hook on three sides.
On the hand, you have to pick five loops!

18.we put a hand ( 2 ms, augm, 2 ms on the arm ), augm, 2 ms, augm, ( again on the arm – 2ms, augm, 2ms ), then augm, 2ms, augm. ( 24 )
21. ( 3ms, augm ) * 6 ( 30 )
22.9ms, 6augm, 15ms ( 36 )
Change the wire blue.
26. ( 5ms, augm ) * 6 ( 42 )
28. ( 5ms, dim ) * 6 ( 36 )
29. ( 4ms, dim ) * 6 ( 30 )
We hook a leg.
30.6ms, ( attach one leg and hook 6 ms ), 6 ms, ( attach one leg 6 ms ), 6 ms. (24 )
31. ( 3ms, dim ) * 6 ( 24 )
32. ( 2ms, dim ) * 6 ( 18 )
Fill the body
33. ( ms, dim ) * 6 ( 12 )
34.6 dim.

1.6 ms in MR
2.6 augm ( 12 )

1.We make 8 chains. In the second loop from the hook, we make an increase, 5ms, hook 3ms in the last, hook in a circle, 6ms. ( 16 )
2.2augm, 5ms, 3augm, 5ms, augm, make a offset loop, this means picking ms in the first loop of the next row and moving the marker forward. (22 )
3.augm, ms, augm, 6ms, augm, ms, augm, ms, augm, 6ms, augm, ms ( 28 )
6.dim, ms, dim, 6ms, dim, ms, dim, ms, dim, 6ms, dim, ms ( 22 )

1.6 ms in MR

Let’s start assembling the hippopotamus.
– Sew the muzzle under 9 then, embroider the nostrils. You have to make a tightening for a mouth to appear, insert the wire from below, bring it out from above and bring it back several times. Like in the photo. You can’t do it, it’s optional ) ) ).

– Sew your ears: folded in half, sew so that they form a drop.

– Sew the eyes and make the eyelids.

– Sew the tail.
Your hippo is ready, I hope it was easy for you to pick it up.

It's All Finished:

Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 1
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 2
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 3
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 4
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 5
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 6
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 7
Knitting Blue Hippo Amigurumi Free Pattern 8